Your identity an money can be stolen in a tax-related scam via email ("phishing"), fax, phone, or letters. Some recent examples of identity theft scams are: Phone Scam... Email phishing scam... tax transcript... IRS refunds... Read More... Identity Theft and Your Taxes … [Read more...]
How can I protect my personal and financial information from credit fraud and identity theft?
In today's digital world, massive computer hacks and data breaches are common occurrences. And chances are, your personal or financial information is now susceptible to being used for credit fraud or identity theft. If you discover that you are the victim of either of these crimes, you should consider placing a credit freeze or fraud alert on your credit report to protect yourself. A credit freeze prevents new credit and accounts from being opened in your name. Once you obtain a credit … [Read more...]
How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
Because of the amount of paperwork and steps involved, fixing a credit report error can be a time-consuming and emotionally draining process. If at any time you believe your credit reporting rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) at Remember that the IRS will never contact you by email to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and … [Read more...]