With home values skyrocketing recently, your home may be one of your largest assets. Using home equity to help finance other financial objectives is a strategy many people consider, but before doing so be sure you understand the risks as well as the potential benefits. Home equity is the difference between how much your home is worth, based on current market conditions, minus your mortgage balance. Let's say your home is worth $450,000 in the current market and your outstanding mortgage is … [Read more...]
Avoiding Probate
Probate is the process of proving the validity of a will and supervising the administration of an estate usually in the probate court. State law governs the proceedings in the probate court, so the process can vary from state to state. Supervising the administration of an estate can result in additional expense, unwanted publicity, and delays in the distribution of estate assets for a year or longer, which is why planning to avoid the probate process may be beneficial. There are several ways … [Read more...]
Are You a HENRY? Consider These Wealth-Building Strategies
HENRY is a catchy acronym for "high earner, not rich yet." It describes a demographic made up of young and often highly educated professionals with substantial incomes but little or no savings. HENRYs generally have enviable career prospects, but many of them feel financially stretched or may even live paycheck to paycheck for years, especially if they are working in cities with high living costs and/or facing large student loan payments. If this sounds like you, it may be time to shed your … [Read more...]
Tax Benefits of Home Ownership
In tax lingo, your principal residence is the place where you legally reside. It's typically the place where you spend most of your time, but several other factors are also relevant in determining your principal residence. Many of the tax benefits associated with home ownership apply mainly to your principal residence — different rules apply to second homes and investment properties. Here's what you need to know to make owning a home really pay off at tax time. Deducting mortgage interest One … [Read more...]
Spring Cleaning Your Way to Better Finances
Spring is a good time to clean out the cobwebs, and not just in your home or apartment. Your personal finances can benefit from a good spring cleaning, too. Here are some questions to ask yourself regarding your budget, debt, and taxes. Is there room in my budget to save more? A budget is the centerpiece of any good personal financial plan. After tallying your monthly income and expenses, you hopefully have money left over to save. But... is there room to save even more? Review your budget … [Read more...]
How Long Should You Keep Financial Records?
Once tax season is over, you may want to file your most recent records and discard older records to make room for the new ones. According to the IRS, personal tax records should be kept for three years after filing your return or two years after the taxes were paid, whichever is later.* (Different rules apply to business taxes.) It might be helpful to keep your actual tax returns, W-2 forms, and other income statements until you begin receiving Social Security benefits. The rules for tax … [Read more...]
Tax Benefits of Homeownership After Tax Reform
“Recent tax reform legislation may have reduced the tax benefits of homeownership for some by (1) substantially increasing the standard deduction, (2) lowering the amount of mortgage debt on which interest is deductible, and (3) limiting the amount of state and local taxes that can be deducted. On the other hand, the tax benefits of homeownership may have increased for some because the overall limit on itemized deductions based on adjusted gross income has been suspended. You generally can … [Read more...]