If you have federal student loans, you aren't automatically eligible for an income-driven repayment plan — you have to fill out an application (and reapply each year). Outstanding student loan debt in the United States has tripled over the last decade, surpassing both auto and credit card debt to take second place behind housing debt as the most common type of household debt.1 Today, more than 44 million Americans collectively owe more than $1.4 trillion in student debt.2Here are … [Read more...]
What are some strategies for paying off credit card debt?
Nowadays, it's easier than ever to get caught up in the cycle of credit card debt. In fact, it's become a growing problem for many Americans. According to the Federal Reserve, total U.S. credit card payments reached 111.1 billion in 2016, up 7.4% from 2015. 1 If you find that you are struggling to pay down a credit card debt balance, here are some strategies that can help eliminate your credit card debt altogether: Pay off cards with the highest interest rate first. If you have more than … [Read more...]
Government Report Details Household Finances
Every three years, the Federal Reserve sponsors the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), which collects information on the financial state of U.S. households. The survey is one of the nation's primary sources of information on the financial condition of different types of households. Here are a few interesting observations gleaned from the most recent surveys conducted in 2013 and 2016, with the latter comparing changes during that timeframe. Income The typical household's median family income … [Read more...]